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How To Do Your Spring Cleaning In One Weekend!

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Feb 25 5 minutes read

When the clock springs forward, it signals a time for renewal, rejuvenation, and refreshing. Along with brighter weather and blossoming buds, spring gives us an opportunity to hit the reset button, and that includes some spring cleaning. Let's be honest, though, even Southern women dread cleaning the entire house. But, fortunately, it doesn't have to be overwhelming or an intense scrubbing session. With a little spring in your step, you can easily put that extra hour of daylight to good use with this simple three-day cleaning guide. The benefits of cleaning on the weekend allow you to entertain guests for a late Sunday night dinner or free up your time on weekdays. So, get ready to roll up your sleeve, and wake up to a clean home when the alarm sounds on Monday.

Friday Evening: Get Ready 

If you've had a long day at work or running errands, don't worry. You won't actually start cleaning until Saturday. Friday should be reserved for setting a plan in motion, buying the necessary supplies, and finding a place or organization where you can donate all the clothes and personal items you want to give away. Cleaning will be much easier and efficient when dividing the home into four sections: bedrooms, kitchen, living area, and bathrooms. But, you'll want to spray the oven with cleaner on Friday night so it can soak overnight.

Saturday: Get Set 

Using a durable pair of cleaning gloves and wash cloths, wipe up the grease on the stovetop and in the bottom of the oven. You can spray the oven lightly with water and wipe it down with a damp rag.

Next, head to the bedroom. First, remove bed linens, mattress pads, and curtains that need to be washed. In addition to washing the sheets, curtains, and comforters, you'll want to flip the mattresses and put clean, fresh linens on the beds.

Sweep the floors or vacuum carpets in each bedroom. Cobwebs can be found everywhere, from corners and baseboards to ceilings and corners, so make sure you vacuum and clean those hot spot areas thoroughly.

Dust and polish any nightstands, wood furniture, desks, or bookshelves in each room. If your bedroom has mirrors or glass tabletops, clean those too!

Then make your way to the bathrooms, and begin by removing the shower liners. If they're washable, wash them on delicate cycle to get mold and mildew off the curtains, and hang to dry.

Reorganize bathroom cabinets and your closet. This includes donating items you don't plan on wearing again to charity and tossing those barely-used tubes and expired makeup in the garbage.

Lastly, spray the shower, tub, and toilet with cleaner. Once the cleaning solution has set, wipe them down and rinse clean. Finish up by sweeping or mopping the bathroom floor. You can place or plug in a few air fresheners in the bedroom or bathroom to really freshen up your home.

Sunday: Go Full Steam Ahead 

On Sunday, try to focus on the kitchen, entertaining areas, and living room. The stove should still be clean from the previous day's wipe down, but if there are any stubborn stains remaining, use baking soda and a little elbow grease to clean the stove completely. Replace drip pans.

If necessary, defrost the freezer and wipe down shelves and the vegetable crisper.

Deep clean the microwave, removing grime, splatters, and food remnants from last night's meal.

Wipe down all surfaces, kitchen counters, and center islands.

Next, mop the kitchen floor to clean any sticky spots. Don't forget the area behind the fridge!

Make sure to tidy up the pet areas (if any) by cleaning up bowls and discarding puppy pads or litter boxes.

Vacuum the living area, moving furniture around to get to those hard-to-reach spots. Using the attachment, vacuum cushions, blinds, and curtains for dust bunnies, crumbs, and pet hair.

Lastly, take out the trash and wipe down the waste bins before inserting a new bag. Give your home a good once-over to make sure you didn't miss any spots or forget to put something away.

When the cleaning is done on Sunday, kick up your feet, open up the windows for some fresh air, and congratulate yourself on a job well done. You've earned it!

Article via Southern Living, Image via Pinterest