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How to Design a Recreation Room in Your House

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Jun 18 7 minutes read

Hobbies are a great way to spend your time and pick up some new skills along the way. If your home allows it, having a recreational room makes indulging in your interests just a few feet away. In this article, we will cover how to design a recreation room in your house and what you need to pay attention to.

Benefits of having a recreation room

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us that we need to find ways to entertain ourselves while in lockdown. Over the last year and a half, people have begun to realize the value of having entertainment options at home. Besides offering an easy escape into your hobbies, a rec room can also be a great way to entertain guests.

Where will you put the recreation room

Before you start thinking about how to design a recreation room in your house, you first need to make sure that you have enough space. Carefully consider how large it needs to be and where you could place it.

The most common places for rec rooms are:

Basement. Putting your rec room in the basement is a good idea, since it will be out of the way. Most people use basements just for storage anyway.

Spare room. Perhaps you have an empty room in the house, and you are trying to think of a good use for it. This can happen to couples whose children grow up and leave the home. Having a rec room can be an alternative to downsizing.

Attic. Depending on the slope of your roof, the attic might be large enough to be converted into a rec room.

Garage. Some homes have two-car garages and only one vehicle. If you have extra space in your garage, you can turn it into something fun.

Garden. Who says the recreation room needs to be inside the house. With a garden that’s large enough, you can even take an open-air approach with plenty of sunlight.

Whichever option you choose, chances are that the room in question won’t be empty. Regardless of how many rooms you have in your home, you are surely using them for something. Now you’ll need to think about what to do with the stuff that was previously in the room. A good option would be renting a storage unit so that you don’t have to throw anything away. You can even go for portable storage units and have your things delivered only when you need them. If you opt for this type of service, you’ll see there are many different available solutions. Admittedly it’s much better to get storage than arguing with family members about throwing out their things so you could get a rec room. In order to get what you want, you will need to act like a diplomat and negotiator.

Ventilation, lighting, and additional facilities

As you have seen, most people choose out-of-the-way rooms for their recreational activities. If you put your rec room in the basement or attic, you’ll want to invest in some quality of life upgrades. 

Ventilation. Invest in proper ventilation so that the air doesn’t get stale and too hot.

Lighting. While soft lighting can be great to set the mood, it can also strain your eyes if you plan on spending a lot of time in low-lit environments.

Bathroom. It can be expensive to invest in constructing an additional toilet near a room that didn’t have one before. However, if you plan to entertain guests in your rec room, you’ll need to have easy access to a bathroom.

Most common uses for recreation rooms

When people hear rec room, many of them will immediately think of a pool table. Truth be told, your imagination is the only limit. You can indulge your favorite hobbies and special interests. Here are some of the most popular choices for rec rooms:

1. Pool room

This is one of the occasions where you will need to accurately measure the room to see if everything can fit. It’s important to have enough room for people around the table, and don’t forget to factor in the cue sticks. An additional sofa will come in handy for people waiting to take their turns.

2. Gym

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you can set up a private gym in the spare room of your house. While the initial equipment can sound expensive, just think how much you’ll save on gym memberships.

3. Home theater

Who doesn’t like watching movies? The costs of home theater setups have significantly dropped in the past several years, making it a more affordable option than before.

4. Music studio

Besides the instruments and recording equipment, you will also need to invest in really good sound isolation. Sound-proof the rec room so you don’t drive your family members crazy by rehearsing the same song over and over.

5. Card room

If you are a card or board game enthusiast, you’ll appreciate a specialized table with a felt covering. Additional things that can come in handy are drink holders and shelves to store your gaming equipment.

Plan your budget

You probably already know most of the costs associated with your favorite hobby. However, there are a few more things to consider. Let’s be honest for a moment; designing a rec room is definitely a vanity project. Don’t take it the wrong way; you should indulge yourself if you have the means. We‘d still advise that you don’t go super specific when planning how to design a recreation room in your home. Try to make upgrades that will help you sell the house when the time comes. Imagine that you make your basement look like a real-life pirate ship. As awesome as it may sound, you need to be realistic that you won’t be getting your money back.

Use this as a chance to declutter

People whose hobbies started small and then kept growing will know how easily that can take over the entire home. Once you dedicate a specific room for hobbies, you can use that opportunity to declutter the rest of the house. Keep your entertainment gear confined to the rec room, and always leave it tidy and organized.

Final thoughts

When it comes to home renovations, designing a rec room is one of the most exciting projects you can take on. It’s one of the few times you can let your imagination run wild. Follow our tips on how to design a recreation room in your house and have fun making your dream home a reality.


Article Via Tanya Douglas With East Coast Haul. Image Via Pinterest

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