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How to Design a Plant Room

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Jan 21 6 minutes read

Having the extra space in your home that you can turn into your very own green oasis is certainly a blessing you should be grateful for. House plants have seen an unprecedented boom in popularity in recent years, and for a good reason - they are beautiful to look at, and they can even improve your health and wellbeing. With that said, most plant enthusiasts would agree that there is no such thing as too many pots and planters in your home. If this is something that resonates with you, the idea to design a plant room in your house has surely popped into your head. In the article below, you'll find tips and tricks on creating the perfect space for your little green friends!

Pick the right room

To ensure a long and healthy life of your indoor flora, the essential first step is to choose the most suitable room in your home. This will make care and maintenance significantly more manageable, and you will allow your plants to reach their maximum potential in terms of lush foliage and stunning blooms.

Although you can turn almost any room into a plant room, ideally, the space should have several big, south-facing windows that allow enough natural light in. To determine whether an area in your house is a suitable candidate for this purpose, make sure to observe it throughout the day. Note which parts of the room get the most light and watch how the sunshine moves through the space - this will be crucial when the time comes for your plants to move in.

If you notice that the room you have available is a bit too dark - don't despair. There are several ways to improve the conditions, which we will discuss further in this article.

Choose suitable plants

The most common issue behind unsuccessful attempts at plant parenthood is the wrong choice of plants. Many homes simply don't provide enough light for some types of plants, which is why you need to be extra careful when taking your pick at the nursery.

Fortunately, there is an abundance of options when it comes to low-light plants - the Snake Plant, ZZ Plant, Pothos, and Haworthia are just a few excellent examples.

Since different corners of your room get different amounts and intensities of sunlight, you will likely be able to include a few cacti or other plants that need a lot of light in your plant room. Just make sure to put them near a window! After a couple of weeks, if you notice that some of your plants are not doing well, try to put them in a different spot and observe if anything changes.

Figure out how you want to display your plants

If you want to design a plant room that looks organized and put together, you will need to find a suitable way to display your plants. Start this by measuring the height and width of your windows and walls to know what you can work with.

Whether you decide to make the shelves yourself or buy them, make sure they are sturdy enough to support the weight of your planters, as they can get quite heavy, especially on watering days!

Add variety

Although there is not much room for mistakes when it comes to decorating your space with plants, it won't hurt to put in an effort to make your plant room look extra beautiful. Variety is all you need for the ultimate visual appeal!

Include plants of different heights, shapes, colors, and foliage types. Let a few vines climb up your shelves or even walls. You can also hang a couple of plants from the ceiling - ferns look exceptionally good in this arrangement.

Additionally, do not neglect your planters. If you want a monochrome look, make sure to add texture with different shapes and materials.

Improve conditions if needed

We've mentioned already that there is no reason to panic if your plant room cannot provide suitable conditions for your plants. There are many ways to improve them!

If the space is too dark, the most aesthetically pleasing option would be to add more windows. However, since this is quite a demanding project, supplementing with artificial lighting might be a more viable option. Luckily, as long as you choose the right LED lightbulbs, you won't have to sacrifice style.

If you want to go the extra mile to make your plants feel at home, consider adding a humidifier to the room.

Plant care tips

Once your plant room starts coming together, you will need to direct your attention to plant care. While your daily routine will differ depending on the types of houseplants you choose, there are a few universal tips you can apply to keep your little greenhouse looking healthy at all times.

Create a watering schedule. Keep in mind that overwatering is a much more common issue than underwatering. To figure out how often you need to water your plants, stick your finger in the soil. If it's dry, it's time!

Fertilize your plants. This will give them the nutrients they need to grow big and strong.

Repot your plants when they outgrow their current pots. Once a year or every two years is usually enough.

• If you outgrow your home and decide to move, make sure to prepare your plants for the relocation to mitigate damage. Even a long-distance move is doable if you protect your plants adequately.

Final words

A bit of research and preparation is all you really need to design a plant room and refresh your home. Although this project might seem intimidating, especially if you don't have much of a green thumb, you should be able to bring potential problems down to a minimum if you choose the right plants for your space. Aside from the lighting, make sure to create a suitable watering schedule, and you will soon be able to enjoy reading a book or drinking a cup of tea in the middle of your own personal jungle!

Meta description: Want to create a green oasis on your very own home? Here are a few pointers on how to design a plant room!

Article via Tanya Douglas with East Coast Haul. Image via Pinterest

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