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Christa’s Emergency Food Drive

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Apr 7 3 minutes read

Our very own Christa Frye is the go-to coordinator for St.Vincent de Paul’s food drive. Below are some of the food bags the church provided to families in need last week. They have had over 200 requests for food in the last 2 weeks. Their food pantry needs more donations to accommodate the next food delivery day. 

Volunteers from our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry successfully delivered 100 bags of food last Saturday!  This initiative was launched to help families that otherwise wouldn't have food on their table. The Fulton County School System is giving food to students that are under 18 years old or under 21 if they have special needs; however, the rest of the family members do not receive food.  Families in need who do not have school aged kids can not receive food from the school program. The need of these families sparked the idea of donating food from our own pantry. 

The work has been tremendous in recent days. Deliveries are scheduled for Saturdays and Wednesdays. 30+ families have already signed up to receive food this Wednesday, March 25. But their food pantry is running low. They need your donations of canned food and toiletries to make sure these families are not left behind.  

Consider donating to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry at St. Andrew Church. There are also convenient neighborhood drop off locations if you can’t make it to the church! Please-- as you go shopping for groceries for your own household, please consider buying extra canned food and toiletries for our food pantry and drop them off at the parish office Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM.

For a list of items needed, click HERE

Online Donations are also Available

If you prefer to make a monetary donation instead, please visit the online giving page, scroll down to "Second and Special Collections" and look for "Parish Outreach".

Thank you for your generosity! Together we can make a difference!

Food Pantry Contact:

Christa Frye 

Email: [email protected] 

Thank you to Christa, and her church for all of the incredible work helping our community everyday, they are truly making a difference in the world.