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Johns Creek, Georgia

Mary Ellen Vanaken

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Mary Ellen was born and raised in Long Island, New York. After graduating from college, she worked on Wall Street for JP Morgan in New York City...

Jan 29 1 minutes read

Johns Creek is a friendly, residential community that becomes the residents' hometown. Johns Creek residents have easy movement within the city and enjoy a range of choices for their leisure time. Johns Creek, just 30 minutes north of Atlanta,  has an alive town center and a vibrant business community. According to Money Magazine, Johns Creek is the 13th highest-earning city in the United States. Stroll through the community and the subdivisions and you will see why Johns Creek is called home to many families.

Find out about the local favorite restaurants HERE.

Check out some of our favorite Johns Creek neighborhoods, HERE.

Tips and Tricks to navigate Johns Creek like a pro, HERE!