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11 Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Fall

Andrea Zangerle

When it comes to anything social media and marketing, Andrea skillfully handles it!  She has been working in Marketing even before graduating in ...

When it comes to anything social media and marketing, Andrea skillfully handles it!  She has been working in Marketing even before graduating in ...

Aug 17 3 minutes read
  1. Stock up on firewood. Order enough firewood for the season. If you gather your own firewood, make sure it’s dry and ready. It’s best to cover firewood and store away from the house for safety reasons.
  2. Bring in flowerpots. If you keep plants or flower in pots year-round, bring them inside. If you replace plants every year, empty, clean, dry pots and put away for next spring.
  3. Do a roof check. You should be able to do at least a visual inspection of the roof from the ground. Grab some binoculars to get a closer look or if you’re able and can do so safely, climb on up for a better view. Look for missing, damaged, or loose shingles. If your roof is flat, you may need to remove leaves and debris.
  4. Inspect trees. Check for damaged limbs that may break or that are too close to power lines or the roof.
  5. Have your furnace inspected. Hire an HVAC professional to test for leaks, check heating efficiency, and change the filter. They can also do a carbon monoxide check to ensure air safety. It’s also a good idea to stock up on extra air filters and change them every few months.
  6. Fertilize lawn. Applying fall lawn fertilizer will help prevent winter damage and spring weeds. Ask a local garden center or check online to find out which type of fertilizer you need and when to apply it. If you have a lawn service, they should do this for you.
  7. Prepare Your Outdoor Furniture. Wash your outdoor furniture and bring in any sensitive cushions or fabrics to get your home ready for fall. This is true even for durable outdoor padding, as it can develop mold issues over wet seasons. If you get a lot of snow, consider storing chairs and tables in a shed for better protection. Remember, mosaic tables can be particularly vulnerable to freezing temperatures. Plus: Make your own durable PVC patio furniture
  8. Check on Your Water Heater. Your water heater has a lot of work to do in fall and winter. Over time, water heaters can get loaded down with sediment, overcome with scale, or other problems that reduce efficiency and lead to problems. If you haven't paid much attention to your water heater, it may be time to clean it out for the coming months to make your home ready for the cold.
  9. Prepare Your Entryway for Muddy Feet. Is your entryway and home ready to deal with the dirt and moisture that fall and winter bring? Make sure there are places to store dirty clothes or equipment and ways to take care of muddy shoes or boots. Keep that dirt away from your floors by making sure it never enters the house.
  10. Organize the shed. As your shed is filling up with summer items in storage it’s a good time to organize and clean out the shed. Move summer items to the back and winter stuff up front for better access. Also, remove any liquids that will freeze.
  11. Check the chimney and fireplace. If you have a wood fireplace and use it often, have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.